I'm a remote native Design Partner who joins teams to build boring innovative products and experiences.

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Wireframe Design
System for Figma
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I collaborate with teams ranging from small startups to large Fortune 500 brands.

Home PHE Testing is Becoming a Reality.

by Aptatek-Biosciences
Coming Soon

On-Demand Classes.

by YouAligned
See in App Store


by Mercedes-Benz
See Case Study

I work with product owners and engineers to design and build a better future.


Years of experience


Hours of design


Project commitment



Design is a solitary discipline teamwork that actively involves all stakeholders.
Design is drawing problem solving and deep thinking, far more than just decoration.
Great design happens overnight after many iterations. It's just the way it is.
Only a specialist Everyone is a designer, some are just more experienced than others.
Less is sometimes always more.


Tibor's leadership and talent enabled the team to pull off a really complex challenge - redesign of the entire Gooten interface and new Shopify app. It would be a pleasure to work with him again.

Boris Krstovic

Principal PM at Office Media Group

As lead of the design team, Tibor was very motivating and encouraging for other designers with brilliant ideas for presentation. He recognizes his colleagues' work and helps them uncover their full potential, respecting their integrity and ways of thinking. He always strives to make designs stand out and have that "WOW" effect.

Milan Jovanovic

Data Analyst at Gooten

We are excited to receive Breakthrough Device designation for our portable, home-based monitoring system. This is a key milestone toward our goal of enabling smart-home monitoring of critical small molecule biomarkers for metabolic disease, medication management and wellness.

Michael Boyce-Jacino, PhD

CEO & Founder of Aptatek Biosciences

& Answers

What industries did you work in?

I have experience working in HealthTech, FinTech, Automotive, the Service Industry, Entertainment, and even had some fun in Aerospace. Regardless of the industry, I prefer projects that emphasize sustainability, such as GreenTech, or those that are socially beneficial, like EduTech and HealthTech. Projects with a focus on the greater good particularly resonate with me.

I am especially attracted to projects that foster innovation.

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to share more about my experiences and approach.

Are you a traditional agency designer?

Traditional agency designers often juggle multiple projects simultaneously, typically for short-term engagements, which can limit their experience in long-term product development. In contrast, in-house designers may become entrenched in the corporate environment, potentially losing fresh perspectives and motivation over time.

I take a different approach by joining teams to work on a single project for the long term, from inception to post-release. This allows me to become an integral part of the team and be present for all key milestones throughout the project's lifecycle. Additionally, my experience across multiple industries provides me with a broad perspective and a diverse skill set.

If you're interested in learning more about my methods and how I work, please contact me. I'd be happy to share further insights.

What is your process?

I adapt my workflow to align with the specific needs of the project and the team I’m collaborating with, continuously refining it for better efficiency and effectiveness.

One essential aspect of my workflow is the Design QA process. During this phase, I ensure that the design is accurately integrated into the product and functions as intended. I thoroughly examine the user experience, visual aesthetics, and overall performance to guarantee quality and alignment with project goals.

If you're interested in learning more about my approach and workflow, please feel free to reach out. I'd be happy to share more insights into my thinking and processes.

What does data driven design mean to you?

I base my design decisions on data rather than intuition or personal preference. While I certainly rely on gut feelings influenced by my skills and experience, my design process is structured around analyzing research and gathering feedback. This approach ensures that my designs are user-centered, effective, and grounded in real-world insights.

If you're interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out. I'm happy to share further insights into my methods and how I work.

Why don’t you publish more case studies?

For most of my career, I’ve worked with businesses under strict NDAs, which unfortunately limits my ability to showcase my projects publicly. My primary focus has been on building products for clients rather than developing case studies for my portfolio.

However, if you’re interested in learning more about my work and approach, please contact me. I’d be happy to walk you through some of my projects and discuss my experiences in detail.

What is Wirefigma?

Wirefigma is a high-fidelity wireframe design system I created, allowing designers to build wireframes quickly and iterate on them with ease. It is designed with performance and scalability in mind, making it easy to apply any brand and transform wireframes into production mockups instantly.

I am proud to say that Wirefigma is free for everyone, forever. Since its release, it has received over 37,000 downloads, averaging between 300 to 400 downloads per week. It has also been recognized and listed by popular design inspiration and theme resource hubs such as Muzli, UI8, and UpLabs.

If you're interested in learning more or seeing how Wirefigma can enhance your design process, feel free to contact me. I'm always happy to share more about my projects and experiences.

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If you're seeking a strategic design partner who takes strong ownership of their work, let's connect.
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